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Why Should Every Brand Create Original Video Content?

Why Should Every Brand Create Original Video Content?

So, you know a thing or two about content marketing. You know that your company needs to have a blog, they need to have a Twitter account, they need to have a Facebook page, they need to do webinars and they need posts on LinkedIn. But what about video content? Video...
What Is a Corporate Identity?

What Is a Corporate Identity?

A corporate identity is the beliefs and values of a company. These can be communicated through business apparel, letterhead, and website design. A corporate identity helps create a sense of community and belonging for employees. It provides direction and meaning to...
Why Are Brands Turning To Influencers?

Why Are Brands Turning To Influencers?

Brands work with influencers because they are capable of reaching a wide variety of people in a short amount of time. They’re much more affordable and less risky than traditional advertising. Influencers have grown in popularity over the last few years, with...
Why Sound Design Is Important For Videos

Why Sound Design Is Important For Videos

Sound design is a fundamental part of most videos. The quality that you have when it comes to sound affects how well people can understand what is being communicated in the video. The sound design of a video is what you rely on to communicate the meaning of the story....